What is a Scout?
The scouting movement is an educational program for youth opened to all genders and races between the ages of 11 and 18 years old. Scouting is all about teaching youth life skills, leadership skills and how to simply have fun while making friends out of school time. Being out doors and adventurous is big in our Troop.
What can my child achieve?
When joining scouts, youth will go through the link badge requirements to get invested. Thereafter, there are 3 advancement badges to get before reaching the top award in scouting which are: 1. Traveler, 2. Discoverer, 3. First Class with a few requirements, 4. Springbok (only 2% of scouts get this award).
There are 26 Scout Craft badges and 93 Interest badges to choose from as extra to do during your scouting years.
Parents can go to Scouts Digital for their child’s advancements.
Scout Booklet
The Scout Trail.
Short booklet to explain each requirement for each advancement badge. (Hardcover can be purchased from scouter)
Scout Craft / Interest badges
Booklet on all the interest badges scouts would like to obtain. For more info on other badges, please visit wiki.scouts
Please see correct positioning of all badges.